Awards and recognitions
Department secured Third prize for E-Poster competition during EM day 2019. The prize was distributed during EMINDIA 2019 held at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Department secured Third prize for EMA National photo competition during EM day 2020.
oFor both these events Emergency Medicine Association (EMA) collaborated with European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) and brought together all MD & DNB Emergency Medicine residency programs in India to take part in World EM Day campaign.
Faculty have represented the institution and delivered talks, presented papers in national and International conference.
Dept. of Emergency Medicine of our Institution was the Academic partner for the Colombo International Trauma Conference (CITC) held at The National Hospital of Sri Lanka,Colombo, Srilanka for 2 consecutive years and Dr. Ajith Venugopalan (Head, Dept. of Emergency Medicine), was the course director for the event.
Dr. Ajith Venugopalan was selected from India to attend the “Radiation Emergency Medicine” (REM) training at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), National Institute of Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), Chiba, Japan during his tenure in our hospital.
Code blue system & rapid response team has been implemented in our institution.
TEAMS – Official newsletter of Academic College of Emergency Experts (ACEE) and Emergency Medicine Association (EMA) – An Indo-US Emergency Medicine (INDUSEM) undertaking is launched from MOSC Medical College Hospital, Kolenchery.
Guinness world record & Best of India award - “Heart Beats 2019” – our institution was the Technical partners for this Mega event. “Heart Beats 2019,” 28,523 school children were trained in Hands-Only CPR. The most people to complete CPR training in 8 hours is 28,523 people and was achieved by Indian Medical Association (Cochin), Angels International Foundation, District Administration Ernakulum and District Legal Services Authority (Ernakulam), at CIAL Convention Centre, in Kochi, Kerala, India, on 16 November 2019. Dr. Ajith V. (Head, EM, MOSC MCH, Kolenchery) was one of the 3 faculty who led the training.